18th Century Ensemble for Wintry Weather

 Last weekend, I was able to get together with a very talented friend and take some photos of my completed ensemble. The photos are...perfection. 

Setting a spooky mood, courtesy of the lack of snow

Look at that beautiful hand-stitched back!


I didn't really have a thought-out plan as I put this ensemble together, which will shock no one who knows me in person. The sage colored petticoat is from last winter, and the brown wool of the gown was a clearance purchase with no specific project in mind. The red cloak was always something I wanted, and the blue mitts are from strap wool in my stash. The handkerchief was a surprise Etsy find that beautifully ties the colors together. It was freezing out, but I was really quite comfortable in all my wool! I look forward to more opportunities to wear this before spring arrives.


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