Caraco Jacket and Petticoat

1790s, Colonial Williamsburg Collection I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I continue to be inspired by Felicity Merriman's wardrobe. I think most (if not all) historical costumers of a certain age owe a large portion of their passion to The Pleasant Company, and I am no exception. When Virgil's Fine Goods announced the return of their fabric, "Cait's Flowers," the original 18th century print that inspired the one used by American Girl, I had to have it. I was very kindly gifted 5 yards of it for Christmas by my parents, and spent my time waiting on the pre-order to arrive by deciding what to make with it. I didn't want to go full cosplay, in part because that's not quite me. Another reason was that I already have a calico round gown, so another felt...excessive. What did catch my eye during the research process were the many chintz petticoat and jacket combinations. This struck me as something a grown-up Felicity might wear. I began to do my res...