Seraphina Vines and Spring Blooms: 1780s Round Gown, Part III

Everything aligned at last to do a proper photoshoot of my round gown, and seeing the photos, it was worth the wait. Liz and I are so often on the same page for photos, it's not even funny, and this time, we were both feeling inspired by Fragonard's pastoral-yet-decadent portraits. I think she absolutely nailed it. I used a silk ribbon for my sash, and my hat is trimmed with velvet ribbon from my stash. The wind spent the entire shoot trying to steal my hat. Pleats and back shaping As always, I find things to correct every time I wear a make for an extended period of time. Most obvious to me is my too-much tucker. I'll be making the ruffles fuller and the height shorter. I'll also re-gather the back of this cap--the gathering needs to be more concentrated at the top. At present, the gathers seem to almost drag it down. It's nice to know that there are only tiny tweaks to make this time. I'm looking forward to wearing this gown again, and styling it in other ways...