
We spent the weekend visiting the place I've dreamed of visiting since I was ten years old and first read an American Girl book: Colonial Williamsburg. Friday night, we walked around the campus of William & Mary and the main street of Colonial Williamsburg while the sun set. Even though it was excruciatingly hot on Saturday, we made it all day walking around and seeing almost all of the historical village. The buildings were beautiful, the interpreters were knowledgeable, and the food was excellent. Wren Hall at the College of William & Mary The Governor's Palace at night I was a little worried as we drove down to Virginia that I had built up this experience in my mind over the last 20 years, and that it wouldn't be that interesting after all. I was also worried, looking at the weather, that if I didn't wear my 18th century garments on the day we planned to tour things, it wouldn't be the same if I got photos another day. Both worries were truly silly...