Looking Forward

I now have a fully functional 18th century working class ensemble for summer and for winter completed. With accessories, I can take my brown wool gown and dress it up more formally for special occasions, and the lightweight fabric makes it appropriate for fall through spring. I'm very proud of my accomplishments, and this sewing project has brought me a joy in sewing that I haven't felt in a very long time. So now what? I have some small improvements I plan to make to the things I already have. First and foremost, I plan to re-hem my sage green petticoat. I did an imperfect job, and you can see the hem stitches pulling all the way around the front (but of course the hidden backside looks fine). Larger improvements include a better pair of stays, this time using the Augusta stays from Virgil's Fine Goods, which everyone I follow on Instagram seems to have made and loved. The stays I currently have aren't a perfect fit, and the cut doesn't improve my bust situation,...